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An Android Application that displays the latest News Headlines to the users.


  • The user can easily reload the News Feed.
  • The user can also read News about a particular topic by typing in the required keyword into the Search Bar.


This is an Android Application that I have developed using:

  • Java for the implementations of all the logic present in the Application. This part takes care of how the application will behave under different situations, how the application will respond to various activities of the user, and so on.
  • XML for implementing UI (User Interface) related data within the Application. This part takes care of things like: the logo/icon of the Application that will be displayed on the User’s Device, how the application interface will be displayed to the user under different circumstances, and so on.
  • And many more tools.

Challenges Faced

  • Keeping the application interface as much user-friendly as possible. In order to tackle this problem, the code for both the front-end and back-end was written in a way that made it easy for the user to operate the application.
  • Integrating the application with the News API. I went through a number of online resources like courses, videos etc to learn how to implement this process of integration.
  • Extracting/combining only the required information from the data provided by the API on request.

Lessons Learnt

  • How to make use of different concepts like: Objects, classes, inheritance, polymorphism, Abstraction, Encapsulation, etc, in Java while developing an application.
  • How to develop an application with a user-friendly interface.
  • How to efficiently integrate an API to an application.
  • How to efficiently extract and combine information from the data provided by an API on request.
  • How to ensure that the application is quick to respond, does not crash (works properly), and does not produce a lot of load on the User’s device.