
During the internship, I was provided with access to the company’s database. This database contained data related to various automotive parts that are manufactured by the company.

Tasks performed:

  • Writing appropriate lines of code in order to perform different kinds of operations on the database.
  • Gathering insights on the sales performed every month over the past 5 years from the obtained data.
  • Understanding the contributions made by different automotive parts towards sales. This helped in providing information like what all parts have been sold the most and which ones had the least sales.
  • Identifying patterns like the increase or decrease in production or sales of a particular part over a specific time frame.
  • Created dashboards that can effectively display information or convey ideas from the given dataset to the stakeholders.
  • Trained several Machine Learning Models on the obtained data. This has been done to achieve a couple of accurate models that will be able to predict the future sales for a given automotive part based on past data. This helped in producing or maintaining stocks more of those parts which are in greater demand in comparison to others, thus improving the scalability of the business.

All of this enabled an increase in the overall efficiency of sales, manufacturing, and distribution processes.